Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Venous Angioma Treatment

Venous Angioma is also know as development venous angioma(DVA). Venous angioma also called venous malformation. A venous angioma in the basal ganglia is a malformation of thr veins drain the bolld from the brain. It is a small tangle of abnormal veins. It is occurring in approximately 2 percent to 3 percent of people. Skin growths, rashes and blemishes can often be a host of many different things. These lesions that form are often benign and they can appear bluish in color. They can range in size from .1 to 3 centimeters. Angioma refers to the overgrowth of blood vessels in the skin. Anyone can develop Venous Anigomas. It affects all races, and both males and females equally. It typically shows up in individuals between the ages of twenty-thirty years old.

Venous angiomas therefore represent the most common blood vessel (vascular) "anomaly" in the central nervous system. Venous Angiomas can appear anywhere in the body. The symptoms of Venous Anigomas can range to no symptoms at all to ones where the individual experiences headaches, numbness, laziness, seizures, blackouts, and other types of anigomas. The most symptoms of venous angioma headache, associated with one or more of the following: nausea, vomiting, sleepiness ("somnolence" or "obtundation") and weakness in one or more limb(s), or some other neurological disability. It is made of multiple little bubbles (caverns) of various sizes, filled with blood and lined by a special layer of cells. A cavernous angioma can cause seizures, stroke symptoms, hemorrhages, and headache.

Most venous angiomas are never detected unless the patient has a brain scan for another reason. There is no effective radiation treatment (conventional or stereotactic) for venous angiomas. Certain medicines such as Phenytoin (Dilantin) or another equivalent agent can also be used for the treatment of venous angioma. Surgery remains an option, but this can be risky depending on the location of the lesion and the individual's basic health. Stereotactic radio surgery is an important option in this disease and hemorrhagic cavernous malformations. The procedure is relatively contraindicated in patients with concomitant venous angiomas because of the high incidence of post treatment morbidity. This technique has been highly successful in treating Venous Angiomas.

Treatments of venous angioma Tips

1. Surgery can be carried out if the venous angioma is thought to have ruptured.

2. Stereotactic radio surgery is found very effective in the treatment of venous angioma.

3. Certain medicines such as Phenytoin (Dilantin) also helpful reduce the symptoms of venous angioma.

4. Equivalent agent can also be used for the treatment of venous angioma.

Author : Juliet Cohen

Vitiligo Diagnosis and Treatment

Vitiligo also known as leucoderma. Vitiligo is a pigment skin disorder caused either due to destruction of melanin or retarded production. This disease is caused neither by any germs, nor is it due to bad blood. The problem usually starts with a small white spot and after on it develops into patches. These patches are pale in the beginning but become whiter and whiter as time passes due to loss of pigment. There isa evenl loss of pigment melanin from the skin layers which results in white patches. These patches look ugly, especially in persons with a dark complexion. The condition does not cause any organic harm. As spots enlarge, they merge into each other and, in course of time, form a very broad patch.

Vitiligo does not differentiate between races, religions or even socio-economic groups. Females are more commonly affected than males.Heredity is also a causative factor and about 30 per cent of patients have a family history of the disorder. The main causes of vitiligo are said to be excessive mental worry, chronic or acute gastric disorders, impaired hepatic function such as jaundice, worms or other parasites in the alimentary canal, typhoid, a defective perspiratory mechanism, and burn injuries. Treatment of vitiligo usually takes a long time. The most commonly affected areas are face, neck, back, wrist, hand, groin, genitals, armpits, etc. Medical treatment helps arrest the spread of depigmentation and in some cases, may bring back the pigmentation.

Homeopathy system offers reasonably positive treatment. Certain home remedies have been found useful in the treatment of Vitiligo. The use of goose foot is beneficial in the treatment of this disease. Avoid fast foods, citrus fruits, coffee, tea, cold drinks, alcohol, beer, non-veg, egg, etc. Turmeric mixed with mustard oil has also proved useful in vitiligo. The clay should be mixed in ginger juice and applied over the white spots once a day. Use a mild soap while bathing. Avoid using creams, powders and any other cosmetic applications. Another useful remedy for leucoderma is red clay found by the river side or on hill slopes. A paste made from the seeds of the radish is valuable in treating leucoderma. This vegetable should be taken twice daily.

Vitiligo Home Remedies Treatment Tips

1. Another useful remedy for Leucoderma is using the red clay.

2. A paste made from radish seeds is extremely useful in treating leucoderma.

3. Goosefoot vegetable is considered valuable in treating white patches.

4. Grind harad in garlic juice and apply on white spots. Eating garlic will also help.

5. Try to avoid stimulating beverages like carbonated cold drink, coffee and tea.

6. Avoid fast foods, citrus fruits, coffee, tea, cold drinks, alcohol, beer, non-veg, egg, etc.

7. Turmeric mixed with mustard oil has also proved useful in leucoderma.

8. Eat figs regularly. Figs have healing property for Leucoderma.

Author : Juliet Cohen


What is Bio-Magnetic Water?

Water is paramagnetic - meaning that it will hold a magnetic charge. In nature, the earth's magnetic field naturally charges water in lakes, wells, and running streams. However, as water passes through treatment plants and is transported through pipes to your home or work place, it loses its magnetic charge. Treating water with magnetic fields simple restores the natural energy and balance that nature intended. Magnetized water has more hydroxyl (OH-) ions that form alkaline molecules which reduces the acidity. Normal tap water has a pH of about 7. Magnetized water is more alkaline and can have a pH as high as 9.2. Magnetizing water reduces the surface tension of the water making it feel softer. It is thinner, wetter, and more absorbable, so it is better able to penetrate cell walls and deliver the nutrients that it carries.

Health Benefits

Your body is over 70% water. All biological functions including circulation, digestion, absorption, and excretion depend on water. Water is required for blood, the lymphatic system, and healthy skin and muscles. It is well known among health professionals that when you are sick, the pH of your body is more acidic. Magnetized water, which is more alkaline, raises the pH of your body, which allows the body to get rid of the toxins. Bio-magnetized water is believed to be energy-building, activating, cleansing, and detoxifying. People have reported resolving bladder problems, recovering quickly from a stroke, alleviating arthritis pain, reducing blood pressure, and breaking up kidney and gall stones by drinking magnetic water. Scientific studies have proven that magnetized water has health benefits for animals. Therefore it seems reasonable that it should also be beneficial for humans. Reported health benefits of drinking magnetic water include:
- Magnetic water tastes sweeter and has more clarity.
- Magnetic water reduces acidity in the body and promotes a more alkaline pH.
- Magnetic water promotes healing of wounds and burns.
- Magnetic water has a therapeutic effect of digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.
- Magnetic water can be beneficial for asthma, fevers, colds, coughs, bronchitis, and sore throats.
- Magnetic water can be beneficial for menstrual and menopause discomfort.
- Magnetic water revitalized the body.
- Magnetic water has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system.
- Magnetic water can help regulate the heart function and clear clogged arteries.
- Magnetic water is beneficial for kidney ailments (removal and prevention of stones), gout, obesity (it improves metabolic activity), and premature aging.
- Magnetic water helps relieve pain.
- Magnetic water infuses energy into the body, controls bacteria, and stimulates brain function.
- Magnetic water can help dissipate toxic deposits in the body's connective tissue.
- Magnetic water can regulate blood pressure (high or low).
- Magnetic water can be used to wash and disinfect external cuts and scrapes.
- Magnetic water will remove the plaque on your teeth if you use it to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, and drink.
- Magnetic water will make your hair softer and more manageable while using less shampoo when used to wash your hair.
- Magnetic water is ionic so it helps reset the charge on cell walls, thus promoting better circulation.


Your pets will enjoy many of the same benefits from bio-magnetic water that you do. They will drink more water, have more energy, and feel younger and healthier. A friend was giving her dogs magnetic water. When she moved, she temporarily had to give them tap water. After a few days, they began scratching all the time. When she started them back on bio-magnetic water, the scratching stopped almost completely.


Bio-Magnetized water will help your plants grow stronger, greener, and larger. In one study seedlings' germination rates were 68 % with bio-magnetized water, while with non-magnetized water only 8% germinated. In another study, Texas A&M researchers found that squash weighed 24% more when it was grown with magnetized water vs. non-magnetized water. Bio-magnetic water is more solvent and has a lower surface tension, so nutrients in the water are absorbed more readily. Thus you get a healthier plant while using less fertilizer.

Other Fluids & Uses

Almost any fluid can be magnetized. Using Bio-Magnetic Water will drastically improve the taste of coffee, tea, and foods. Foods and beverages made using magnetic water will acquire the same healing powers as bio-magnetic water. Cosmetics, facial and skin products function a lot better when magnetized. Magnetized milk will give vigor and vitality to the weak and exhausted person. Magnetized milk has been proven useful for recuperating. When fruit juices are treated with bio-magnets, they become more refreshing and give more nourishment. Beer can be magnetized to give better effect. Magnetized olive oil can be very rewarding in the treatment of gout and rheumatism.
Use bio-magnetic water to make your coffee and after a month or two the inside of your coffee maker will look like new. The bio-magnetic water will remove the scale build-up in your coffee maker.

How to make Bio-Magnetic Water

Making Bio-magnetic water is quite simple: just place a glass or container filled with water on a magnetic pad. Never use a metal container. You want to use a container that has a flat bottom without any raised edges. You want the bottom of the container touching the magnet pad. How long you need to leave the water on the magnet will depend on how much water you have. I usually use a gallon milk container and leave it on the pad for 4-6 hours or longer. It won't hurt to leave it there longer, you can even just leave the container on the pad and refill it as you use the water. The water will stay magnetized for several days after you take it off the magnet.


There is a long history of the use of magnets to improve the quality and health benefits of water. Many countries have been using magnetic water for patients with digestive, urinary, and nervous problems, for pain, swelling, and many other ailments. Whether all of the claims are true or false remains to be tested by science. However, Magnetic Therapy has been accepted by many for the relief of pain. It is now accepted that each of our cells possess a small magnetic field and that water can be magnetized. Then, the logical conclusion is that magnetic water has the ability to affect our cells and help our body perform as it was meant. There is much evidence that bio-magnetic water is beneficial and none that it can be harmful.
Visit our website www.bio-magnetictherapy.com for more information about Bio-Magnetic Therapy and Bio-Magnetic water.

Author : Janet Forysthe

Alternative Medicine For Bunions and Corns

Bunions are painful, swollen pads overlying the joint at the base of the big toe. They begin as an inflammation of the joint, which swells so that the overlying skin becomes red, hard, and sore. If left untreated, the ligaments in the toes shorten, pushing them together in what often becomes a permanent deformity. Bunions are caused by wearing ill-fitting shoes, but they can be hereditary. Bunions can occur for a number of reasons, but a common cause is wearing shoes that fit too tightly. They can also develop as a result of inherited structural defect, injury, stress on your foot or another medical condition. Often, treatment involves conservative steps that may include changing your shoes, padding your bunion and wearing shoe inserts. Severe cases of bunions may require surgery to relieve the pain. Some of the symptoms of bunions include inflammation, swelling, and soreness on the side surface of the big toe. Bunions can be related to inflammation or to degenerative disease (e.g., osteoarthritis). They cause redness, tenderness, and pain, and alter the normal position of the first toe. "Hallux abductovalgus" (HAV) is a term that refers to the hallux going away (abducting) from the midline of the body and twisting so the inside edge touches the ground and the outside edge turns upward.

Corns are painful wedges of hard skin that result from excess pressure on the surface of the skin of the toes or the soles of the feet. Corns are usually caused by wearing ill-fitting shoes, but may also occur when shoes are worn without socks. They are most common in people with high arches, because the arch increases the pressure on the toes when walking.


It is important to wear comfortable, professionally fitted shoes, and to ensure that your feet are rested every day. A circular corn pad can be worn to reduce pressure on the corn itself. Consult a podiatrist for severe or recalcitrant cases.

Diet and Nutrition Biochemic tissue salts for bunions include Ferr. phos. and Kali mur.

Massage To treat bunnions massage your toes with oil of peppermint, blended in a light carrier oil, to stimulate the circulation and prevent swelling. Self-mobilize the toe by gently pulling it and moving it around.

Corns may be massaged with warm oil to soften the hardened skin before removal.

Homeopathy Specific treatments may include Belladonna, Bryonia, Pulsatilla, and Ruta grav.

Hydrotherapy Footbaths with mustard, Epsom salts, arnica, and oils of peppermint, lavender, camomile, and geranium will relieve symptoms and discourage swelling.

Author : Adam